Facial surgery is a surgical procedure that changes the appearance of your face

Facial surgery is a surgical procedure that changes the appearance of your face. Some procedures may be performed to restore your youthful appearance, while others may just repair physical damage. These procedures include the Facelift, Browlift, Forehead lift, and Nose job. These procedures may be performed on a single or multiple facial areas.


After having facelift surgery, it’s important to follow postoperative instructions carefully. Your surgeon will give you a detailed list of aftercare instructions, including how long you can work out and when to avoid strenuous activities after surgery. Generally, patients are advised to avoid strenuous exercise for two to three weeks after surgery, but the exact duration will depend on the level of swelling and healing time.


Browlift surgery can be a great way to improve the appearance of your brows. The procedure can be performed under general anesthesia or sedation. Most patients stay in the surgeon’s office or surgical center for one or two hours. Then, they are placed into a recovery room until they are awake and their vital signs have stabilized. After the procedure, patients are advised to refrain from heavy lifting and should avoid heavy activity for a few days.

Forehead lift

Forehead lift surgery involves reshaping the forehead and eyebrows to create a more youthful appearance. It can also improve the Stratosphere41 – The Hottest Yoga Towels on the Block appearance of the upper eyelids. The most common technique is performed through an incision at the hairline, but can also be performed in other areas. Dr. Imber is an internationally recognized plastic surgeon who has performed over 25,000 surgical procedures. His advanced techniques, including the S-Lift, have been popularized. His goal is to achieve natural-looking results with minimal scarring.

Nose job

Before you decide to have a nose job, you should consult with a plastic surgeon. During this consultation, your surgeon will evaluate your nose and discuss your goals. He or she will also ask you questions about your medical history, including any current or past conditions. He or she may also want to take a look at any supplements or medications you take. The surgeon will also take pictures of your nose, including the inside, so he or she can plan the surgery accordingly.


Patients who undergo rhinoplasty should follow a set of guidelines before the procedure. These guidelines include a comprehensive physical examination, laboratory tests, and facial photos. This evaluation will help the doctor decide which changes need to be made to the nose, whether the patient has any physical conditions that might affect the outcome of the procedure, and whether the surgery will affect the patient’s breathing.

Neck lift

After your neck lift surgery, you can expect some bruising and swelling. However, you can usually return to work or daily activities within two weeks. You should also avoid strenuous activity for a couple of weeks, especially driving. Your cosmetic surgeon will give you detailed instructions on how to care for your neck.